Dr Kershaw’s Junior Dragons’ Den Enterprise Competition

Spindles Town Square are proud to support this year’s Enterprise Competition!

The background to the competition “Teams made up of up to six pupils have been set a challenge to design an innovative gift, work out how to manufacture it and write a business plan. We have allocated each team a Business Mentor and a member of Dr Kershaw's Fundraising Team who together, will support, guide and encourage them via team meetings and emails. Teams will bring their gift idea and business plan to the Dragons' Den in June and bid for a business start-up loan of £30. Once they have secured the loan, teams will purchase materials, make their gift and market and sell the product to their local communities. The overall winner will be the team that declares the most profit at the Grand Final in July, and there will also be runners-up for recognising skills in presentation and innovation. All profits made will support patient care at Dr Kershaw's Hospice”.

Some of the teams will be in the Spindles on the 26th, 27th and 28th June and the 2nd July to sell their products so please pop in and support them if you can!